About Us
Supporting Our Fellow Law Students

We are the La Trobe Law Students’ Association (‘LSA’). The LSA was founded in 1992 and it is a representative body for law students at La Trobe University.
The LSA is widely regarded as the social and extracurricular hub for all law students, including undergraduate and postgraduate students at our Melbourne and Bendigo Campuses, and Juris Doctor students at our City Campus.
The Association provides services, events, opportunities, activities, tailored to maximise the La Trobe Law Students experience. Our passionate committee of 11 portfolios work together throughout the year to organise various career, education and social activities to enrich La Trobe law students' experience.
We are an active and vibrant group of students who volunteer their time to organise social events, careers events, skills competitions, produce student publications, and promote student interests and wellbeing.
Some notable events include the upcoming Law Camp, Law Cruise, and Law Ball, as well as professional networking opportunities such as the Careers Connect Fair, Women in Law Breakfast, and Careers Cocktail Night.
In summary, we are the custodian of the LSA. We try to accommodate every student at La Trobe by providing resources and events both online and in person for almost 2,000 students undertaking their law degree at La Trobe.
Most importantly, we ensure students are inspired, safe, and guided during their degree.
Meet The Team