Monthly Meeting Minutes
The LSA has monthly meetings, to discuss upcoming events, general business, propose motions. All LSA members are encouraged to attend both in person and online. Below are the monthly meeting minutes.
In order of most recent meeting.
Committee shoutouts AUG 2024

Whole Committee Shoutout!
Committee shoutouts JULY 2024

Rebecca Klavc - Equity Officer
Pride month posts, creative and eye catching
Luca Pollimeni - Activities Director
Law ball, so much work over break
Hekmat - Commercial careers Director
EPS, a big event with it happening right of the bat after break
Sara Ali - Marketing Officer
Merch is going to be amazing you are doing so much
Committee shoutouts JUNE 2024

hit the ground running with this role, hub has been a great success
Sebastian: 1st Year representative
fam &crim: jumped in and has done so much
Hoda: Industry Careers Officer
joining ccn and helping out
Education portfolio:
the subject q & a’s have been done really well and we appreciate theeffort to help our students
Committee shoutouts MAY 2024

Publications Portfolio
working hard to put together the clerkship guide, doing this alongside assessments
and it looks amazing, launching at ccn
Luca Polimeni - Activites Director
incredible cruise, it was so much fun
Gihansa - Equity Officer
WIL breakfast, well run, it was insightful, should start an asmr channel, was
amazing hosting (ania is also to thank for this)
Apryl - Marketing Officer
offered to take photos for the event and was so great to see jumping onto to help their
Sumer - Commercial Careers Officer
hosting firm presentations and has been doing a great job with professionalism in this
Apara & Shuniel- Competitions Officer
stepped up and help execute the comps and have been great to see the effort
they have put into assisting
Committee shoutouts APR 2024

Renee - Activities Officer
Law camp, Renee planned a lot of the games.
India Madder, Tanya Hidella & Natalie Kirolos - Activites Officer
Got down to the nitty gritty while at camp, were all team players.
Zelena Cakmak- Education
Hit the ground running, law 101’s have been great, education team are a powerhouse
Shannon Guil
-exam feedback form for JD
Hekmat - Commercial Careers Director
Lawnch event, went really well and we are very impressed on how you’ve
gone so far
​ Mahi - Industry Careers Director
Lawnch event, went really well and we are very impressed on how you’ve
gone so far
Committee Shoutouts MAR 2024

Natalie Kirolos - Marketing Officer
she’s just always willing to help out, went to scout out the law camp venue with
activities team
Ellise Kotsu - Marketing Director
Graphics are looking amazing, and merch sales have been great
Sandra Tran - Competitions Director
has been working alone and got the comps ready and up and running
Alanna - Publications Director
released 3 publications over o-week, this was a huge undertaking
Hassan Asad - Podcast Officer
the podcast has been a huge success, can’t wait to listen to more
Luca - Activities Director
has been working non-stop to bring some of our biggest events to light, picnic was
fantastic, the venue for ball has been picked and cruise is on it’s way, law camp is ramping up
to be a major event
Committee shoutouts FEB 2024

Febrauary Committee shoutouts coming soon
Committee shoutouts JAN 2024

January Committee Shoutouts Coming soon.